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Paper Instructions:

For the Persuasive Essay, you are going to pick a position on one of the three topics below, and write an essay trying to convince your readers that your position is correct. But how can you persuade someone that your position is right? It’s important to remember what kinds of things help to convince readers. The big three are logos, ethos, and pathos. Remember those? No? Never heard of them? Check out this video before continuing.

Source 1:

Source 2:

Source 3:

●    Clear and convincing persuasive argument

●    Clear introduction with a thesis statement that summarizes your position on the topic

●    At least five paragraphs

●    Appeals to Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

●    Paper is in MLA Manuscript format (instructions on the message board or ask your teacher)

●    Sources are cited within the body of the paper in MLA format

●    Sources are cited in a works cited page in MLA format

176 Words  1 Pages
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