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How is being a strong writer and researcher with competent informational/digital literacy knowledge important to your academic and professional career?

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  • How is being a strong writer and researcher with competent informational/digital literacy knowledge important to  your academic and professional career?
    •    What has worked well for you as a writer? How do you know?
    •    When have you struggled as a writer, researcher, and discerning information found on line? How do you know?
    •    What kind of research projects have you done in the past? What worked well? What will you need to do differently?
    •    What kind of research will you be asked to do in your academic and professional career? How can you use this knowledge to help you build the skills you will need?
    •    What kind of standards do you have for yourself when you are examining sources?
    •    What does your writing process look like? What does your research process look like? Why? How does it need to improve? 
    •    How can you ensure you spend enough time to create quality written research?
    •    What does it look like when you ask for help with your writing? Who do you ask?
    •    What kind of feedback will help you improve as a writer and as a researcher?
203 Words  1 Pages
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