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Throughout Sales books, Dwellers in the land, it proposes the concept of bioregionalism, an alternative way of organizing society to create smaller scaled, more ecologically sound, and individually responsive communities with renewable economies and cultu

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Throughout Sales books, Dwellers in the land, it proposes the concept of bioregionalism, an alternative way of organizing society to create smaller scaled, more ecologically sound, and individually responsive communities with renewable economies and cultures. Sale argues that the scientific world view that we adopted has “turned the world upside down-and brought it to its present crisis,” and that bioregionalism is the solution to this problem (23). While bioregionalism could help protect the earth, the scale of the plan seems to large for countries like the United States and Australia to adopt. Does Sale describe how industrialized countries will change their economy and lifestyle toward a smaller-scaled region? How would bioregionalism prevent catastrophes such as wildfires?

128 Words  1 Pages
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