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The Handmaid's tale 3 terms

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Handmaid, Commander, Wife, Colonies, Compunumber, Econowife, Guardian of the Faith, Identipass, Jezebel, Martha, Particicution, Prayvaganza, Salvaging, Soul Scrolls, Testifying, The Republic of Gilead, The Wall, Unbaby, Underground Femaleroad, Unwoman.

These are all terms from the Handmaid‘s Tale. Write about the three terms you find the most interesting and explain why you think they are interesting.

Special instructions for this essay:

"Use at least two (no more than four) quotations from the novel. Include the chapter number, from which the quotations are taken"


To keep the structure of a five-paragraph-essay e.g. introduction with a clear thesis statement etc.

IMPORTANT If you use other sources than the book itself you have to cite your sources.

126 Words  1 Pages
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