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White Bread

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

By this point in the semester, you should have read at least the first twenty chapters in the novel White Bread. The main character of this novel is Jessica Westerfield, a second year, fifth-grade teacher who is white and who is teaching a class with a significant number of Mexican-American students. In class, we did an activity called "Who is Jessica?", in which we looked at Jessica through three of the four lenses of the conceptual framework of this course. We asked: (1) Who is Jessica, as a person? (2) Who is Jessica, culturally? (3) Who were Jessica's ancestors, culturally, and in what ways were they similar to or different from Jessica? and (4) What does Jessica know about cultures different from her own, and what is she learning? 
• In what ways do you think you are similar to Jessica? In what ways might you be different from her?  
• What have you learned so far about Jessica's Mexican-American students, and their needs as learners?  
• What have you learned about Jessica, her students, her school, her family, and her community that could help you to prepare for becoming a teacher yourself?
• Why might Jessica's discoveries about her German-American immigrant ancestors be relevant to who she is and what she does as a teacher? 
• What do you anticipate might happen in the remainder of this novel?
NOTE:  Your weekly discussions and reflections should be well organized, clearly written, concise, and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Each reflection should be at least 300 words. Also be sure to demonstrate that you have done the assigned reading by responding to specific incidents described in this novel as part of your reflection.

294 Words  1 Pages
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