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A Rose for Emily- Discussion

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Choose two of the following prompts:
For your discussion, consider the following questions:
1) What is the meaning of the title?
2) How does the final paragraph contribute to your understanding of Emily?
3) Why is important to learn what is learned from the last paragraph at the end rather the beginning of the story?
4) How does the plot create interest and suspense?
5) How does Emily's Southern heritage contribute to the story?
6) Name and explain the antagonist(s) of the story. 
7) Discuss the importance of point of view in the story.
8) How does Faulkner treat the North and the South in the story?
9) Discuss the importance of the house as a character. 
10) How is this story representative of Southern Gothic literature?
Faulkner, W. (n.d.), A rose for Emily. Retrieved from

154 Words  1 Pages
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