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Barn Burning

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

"Barn Burning" by William Faulkner

In a 600 word, 6 paragraph literary analysis, please apply formalist, psychological, and reader-response strategies.  3 quotes from the story and 2 quotes from relevant websites are required (be sure to list all sources on the works cited page).  

Here is a suggested outline:

I. Introduction

II. Formalist  (choose either conflict or plot)

III. Define a psychological problem - choose from the list provided (be sure to list the symptoms)

IV. Pick either Sarty or Abner Snopes, then Prove your choice has that psychological problem (match elements in the story to the symptoms)

V. Reader-response (choose one of the prompts from the page discussing this strategy)Reader Response

VI. Conclusion (Ultimately, do you empathize with the character or do you believe he deserves what happens)

Works Cited page (listing the story and other sources)

149 Words  1 Pages
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