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Examining the Results of the Research

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

One of the critiques of research is its lack of practicableness to the “real world”. Please 1. clarify whether you agree with this critique or not and explain. In your opinion, how can the results section of a research article be enhanced to be practical and useful for the average consumer?

Now incorporating what you’ve learning during this module and from the reading, answer the follow questions:

2. Use the Excelsior Library to find a research article of your choice. List the full APA citation for the article.

Answer the following questions and justify your responses. Give examples from the article that helped you determine your response.

a)How did the researchers report their findings? (For example, charts, graphs, narrative, etc.)

b) Please explain one key take away from the results section.

c) Did the way the researchers reported their findings make it easier to understand? 
d)Why or why not? How are the results that were reported related to the objectives of the study?
e) If you were the researcher conducting this study, how would you enhance the results section?

191 Words  1 Pages
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