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The Position of English in the World

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Paper Instructions:

Write an argumentative speech on a topic related to”The Position of English in the World” (5min) You may choose to argue for or against a topic such as *English as an official language of the EU (esp considering Brexit) *Teaching English in Swedish schools (More? Less?) *a related topic of your own choice (please confirm your choice with your instructor) Your speech should be adapted to the audience and situation (young people in a school) and should be persuasive, informative and interesting to listen to. Make sure it is well-organized with a clear hook in the introduction and a definitive standpoint (thesis statement). Some of your points can be emotive but the core of your speech should consist of fact-based arguments. You will need to cite sources for these facts. Be sure to acknowledge counterarguments and refute these. In the conclusion you should summarize the main points.

158 Words  1 Pages
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