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binge drinking

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For your second essay, respond to one of the questions below regarding the topic of binge drinking.  I expect you to focus on a particular issue and formulate a response to that issue with a thesis statement.  Your essay should be a 2-3 page argument and analysis.  No outside sources are required (sources other than Wechsler/Deutsch/Dowdall, Hitt, and/or Bruffee), but you may use outside sources if you wish.  Depending on the thesis you design, you might find that you need to do some research and find additional sources.  For this assignment, you MUST use textual evidence to support your claims (must use either Wechsler/Deutsch/Dowdall, Hitt, and/or Bruffee).  Please use proper MLA documentation, including a Works Cited page.  Please create a title for your essay, but do not turn in a title page.  Remember, you must support your arguments with solid reasoning and evidence.  

Here are some questions that should help you formulate a thesis.  (You can also generate your own questions to create your thesis or manipulate the questions below, but run your ideas by me).  

In addition to turning in a hard copy in class, you will need to submit an electronic copy via Blackboard through the “Assignments” section.  (The electronic copy will be checked for plagiarism).  

Kenneth Bruffee argues that students binge drink to fit in, claiming that binge drinking has become a “substitute for a community of learning.”  Why do students binge drink?

Wechsler, Deutsch, and Dowdall argue that colleges are “in denial about alcohol abuse.”  Do colleges have a responsibility to try and alleviate binge drinking?  Why or why not?

Wechsler, Deutsch, and Dowdall point out that Binge drinking is an old problem with new, more extreme consequences.  What should be done to curb binge drinking? 

303 Words  1 Pages
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