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The Temple of My Familiar

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Length: 4-6 pages; approximately 1000-1800 words
Sources: at least 2 course texts, one of which must be Walker’s novel
Walker, Alice. The Temple of My Familiar. Mariner Books, 1989.
Agha-Jaffar, Tamara, ed. Women and Goddesses in Myth and Sacred Text: An Anthology. Pearson Education, Inc., 2005.
Estés, Clarissa Pinkola. Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype. Ballantine Books, 1995.

Write an analysis of Alice Walker’s novel The Temple of My Familiar that focuses on archetypal characters, plots, themes, or symbols. Choose at least one of the archetypal characters, patterns, myths, or themes from either Agha-Jaffar’s anthology or Estés’ collection and apply it to Walker’s novel by making connections, comparing and/or contrasting, or applying these archetypal patterns to the novel. Argue an original thesis about how these archetypes work within the novel and why they are significant. Support your thesis with evidence from both texts.

164 Words  1 Pages
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