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exploratory work of an enthronement experience

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Paper Instructions:

After reading the essays "The Art of Seeing" by John Burroughs and "The Land Ethic" by Aldo Leopold, write your own exploratory work of an environmental experience.

I am asking you to go outside. To look around. To take a walk. To be in a public space. Anywhere. Is there a tree everyone gravitates towards, even in the city, outside a Starbucks or other local coffee shop that changes the way you perceive the shop/area?

I am asking you to pay attention to your surroundings and note how the existence of nature affects the tone/mood/perspective of your experience/awareness of your place in that space.

Incorporate quotes/evidence from either of the essays to promote your perspective/way of seeing.

Any small instance can act as inspiration.

You can write about any aspect of your experience, for example, write a piece using the following image: a smashed flower on the sidewalk.; or, write a piece using the following image: an owl soaring through the night sky.

174 Words  1 Pages
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