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One expectation of literature is that it not only entertain but also engage the reader emotionally as well as intellectually.

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One expectation of literature is that it not only entertain but also engage the reader emotionally as well as intellectually. Otherwise there may be a good story, and there is a role for good stories that don't make us think or feel, but the story has no lasting effect.

Capote was trying to produce a work that engaged the reader intellectually and emotionally. That's the reason for the careful combining of the horizontal and vertical characteristics. He tried to develop the characters so that readers would empathize. 

What about Buchanan's agenda? Do you empathize with any of the characters? Does the first person narration work for you? Does it cause you to think about law enforcement, motives for crime, etc.? What would you say: literature or entertainment?

139 Words  1 Pages
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