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privilege, mythical norm, socially constructed, compulsory heterosexuality, institutions/institutionalized, prejudice, horizonal hostility, gender assignment, gender identity, gender expression, gender acquisition, androgyny, gender ranking

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

After reading the module articles and viewing videos, write a journal post that engages the material.

Journals should:
Directly reference at least three different readings/videos. 
Utilize/explore/question at least two key terms
Pose questions for the class to consider
Make connections (between course materials and life, current events, other classes, past readings, the questions and observations of classmates)
Not repeat what others have already discussed

Key Terms: privilege, mythical norm, socially constructed, compulsory heterosexuality, institutions/institutionalized, prejudice, horizonal hostility, gender assignment, gender identity, gender expression, gender acquisition, androgyny, gender ranking.


Video:Danny Thompson,  FB find..."Common Sense" argument against changing bathroom policies.

This should be more analysis than summarize. More own thought than just summerize it.

147 Words  1 Pages
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