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bambi a life in the woods by felix salten

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For this paper, each student will choose one work of children’s literature that we have not read in class and that was written after 1900.  Think about the work and develop a thesis statement about it (think of the types of things we have discussed in class as we have analyzed books and stories).  Have evidence from the book to support this thesis.  For example, a thesis statement about Peter Pan could be, “Peter Pan presents an interesting dichotomy as growing up is something that is both yearned for and feared.”  You may use secondary sources to support your thesis, but it is not required.  This paper should be analysis of the book and your thesis, not a plot summary or a book review.  You should choose an individual book, not an entire series.  There is no length requirement for the work you choose, but there will need to be enough depth to the story for you to write 5-6 pages of analysis.  This may be difficult to do for a story that is only two pages long.

190 Words  1 Pages
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