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The purpose of this paper is to argue/ persuade the readers that the Coronavirus is not a pandemic by definition and/or statistics, and the scare around it is fueled by racism and fear.

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Paper Instructions:

The purpose of this paper is to argue/ persuade the readers that the Coronavirus is not a pandemic by definition and/or statistics, and the scare around it is fueled by racism and fear. The evidence should be cited as (author, name of the article). An additional last page should be added with all the hyperlinks to the evidence. The paper as a whole should consist of an introductory paragraph, 2 main body paragraphs each with 2 pieces of evidence/analysis of the quote and separate introductions in the first sentences as a claim for evidence used in the paragraph, then a common conclusion paragraph. The introductory paragraph should also contain an introduction sentence and attention grabber with the claim statement being the last sentence. The claim statement should read, ″At this moment the Coronavirus is not a true pandemic, affecting only small portions of people and fueled by racism along with fear.″

163 Words  1 Pages
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