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Children’s Literature -Paper Proposal

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

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The proposal should have 4 sections
1. Introduction – Length: One detailed paragraph
•    Provide a brief explanation of your topic and your initial thoughts and hypotheses regarding the topic, i.e., what you intend to argue about it. Keep in mind that your ultimate argument and/or hypotheses might change as you do research and begin writing. 
•    Formulate a thesis statement that includes the main points to be discussed in the seminar paper (4-5 points)
2. Literature Review – Length: 4-5 detailed paragraphs
•    Present and discuss the research that has already been done on your topic and how it relates to your argument. 
•    Choose at least 4 academic articles. These articles must be approved by me (you can email the titles to me). 
•    Think critically and do not be afraid to question and disagree with existing research. What original contribution will your research make to the conversation? 
3. Structure – Length: One detailed paragraph
•    How do you plan to structure your seminar paper? Division of chapters, points within chapters. 
•    What are your plans for additional research?

4. Annotated Bibliography
•    Find 7 academic sources (including those used for the literature review) and write a bibliography in accordance with the APA style. 
•    For the 3 additional sources (those not used in the literature review) write a short annotation that includes: a brief summary of the main ideas, your analysis of these ideas and how you plan to use them in your seminar paper. 

3-4 typed pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, 2.54 margins, cover page with your name, ID number, course name, instructor name, title of the seminar paper (be creative), date of submission.

300 Words  1 Pages
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