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The storm

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Paper instructions:

Interpretation of a story

Your task is to interpret the significance (or the meaning in relation to life, society, the world etc) of "The storm." Remember to use the "elements"(plot, character, setting, point of view, figurative language) of the story to support your thesis, and that the evidence for your claim must be consistent and pervasive, in that there should be no significant evidence that contradicts the reading.

Do a feminist reading (one which concentrates on how male oppression and control <patriarchy>affect the situation and /or perception of characters) of "The Storm." Such an interpretation must reveal a pattern of thinking and/or behavior arguably influenced (consciously or unconsciously) by male norms and negatively affecting the person or people in the question, just as it must "account for "all of the story without obvious inconsistencies or contradictions.

147 Words  1 Pages
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