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Why has democracy consolidated in some countries but others have experienced democratic stalling or reversal?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Why has democracy consolidated in some countries but others have experienced democratic stalling or reversal? 

Roughly 900 words.

This is a comparative analysis, please ensure the answer sticks well with the question 

Thematic Readings:

Bunce, Valerie “Comparative Democratization. Big and Bounded Generalizations,” Comparative Political Studies 33, 6/7 (2000): 703-734.

Carothers, Thomas “The End of the Transition Paradigm,” in Journal of Democracy 13, 1 (January 2002), 5-21.

Ross, Michael Lewin “Does Oil Hinder Democracy?” World Politics 53, 3 (April 2001): 325-61 

David Collier, Steve Levistky, ‘Democracy with adjectives: conceptual innovation in comparative research’, World Politics 49 (3), April 1997, p.430-51

Diamond, Larry. Leonardo Morlino, ‘The quality of democracy: an overview’, Journal of Democracy, 15(4), October 2004, p20-31.

Grugel, Jean, Democratization: A Critical Introduction (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), 1-67 & 217-237.

143 Words  1 Pages
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