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The Romantics

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In the face of a world dominated by sprawling cities and massive machinery, the Romantics looked back to an idealized past where individuals mattered and those who lived simple lives were often wiser than those who were over-educated. For them, action and rebellion were often far more positive than following orders, even if the consequences of action were negative.  

As leaders drifted out of touch with their people, revolutions started, the world changed, and factories and money became the new measure of power. People wanted individualism instead of being part of a "machine" - political or practical.

Read, The Romantics,( article written by Dr. Stephanie Forward for the British Library.  Write a summary of the article that includes the following key ideas and influences of Romanticism:  revolution; imagination; the marginalized and oppressed; children, nature and the sublime; second-generation Romantics; female poets; the Gothic; the Byronic hero; and the contraries.

Your answer should be well thought through and clear. It should reference things you've learned in this section, and it should show that you've actually thought the question through and that you've got something to tell or explain to the person reading your answer.

212 Words  1 Pages
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