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The secret of success in battle lies often not so much in the use of one's own strength but in the exploitation of the other side's weaknesses

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Week Five Reflection Paper 
After reviewing this week’s materials, write and submit a Reflection Paper, on the following quote, and how it relates to Starbucks’ success. In your paper, take a position on how the quote either relates or does not relate to Starbucks. Your paper should be based on your new, and previous, knowledge and experience; incorporating, where applicable, the Conceptual Inventory terms we’ve explored to date 

The quote for this week is: 
“The secret of success in battle lies often not so much in the use of one's own strength but in the exploitation of the other side's weaknesses.” 
― John Christopher, When the Tripods Came 

You can agree or disagree, but I expect you to support/defend your position based on your personal experiences, prior learning, and new found knowledge; especially from classes such as organizational behavior, management, and marketing. The paper should also actively demonstrate concepts you’ve learned from this course thus far. 
This paper should be 3-5 pages long, double-spaced, and in APA format. 


Conceptual Inventory: 
These are the terms to address in this week’s activities: 
-Strategic Alliances 
-Strategic Partnerships 
-Vertical Integration 

Watch the following videos for an overview of this week’s topics: 
Davidson, G., & Wachtell, E. (Producers), & . (1993). Episode: 103; part: 03 - taking the lead - setting the stage: Planning process, the. [Video/DVD] Pasadena: INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications. 


Read/review Chapter 9 of the following ebook: Mastering Strategic Management: 

265 Words  1 Pages
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