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Building Relationships with Coffee Growers

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

(i) Watch Starbucks: Building Relationships with Coffee Growers” video clip from the list, and then, summarize it. (ii) Which aspects of International Marketing (as you have learned in your text book) can you identify in this video? Make sure to identify the applicable chapter from the textbook, and specific topics from the chapter. (iii) How might another company engaged in international marketing act on the information contained in the video? Make sure to answer these three questions in three different paragraphs. This point is very important. Please follow this format. (Suggested length: a minimum of one-half page for one video clip.)
Do the above for "McDonalds: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning" video clip.
Do the above for "Starbucks: Serving more than Coffee?" video clip.
Do the above for “Creating a Global Brand” video clip.
Do the above for “Kraft: Marketing Globally” video clip.
Do the above for “Dole: Buying from vendors around the globe” video clip.
Do the above for “New Balance: Managing Supply from US and overseas” video clip.
Do the above for Mini-US (Promotions)
this is link for the video


195 Words  1 Pages
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