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distribution improvement strategy

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Assignment Instructions
You will prepare a distribution improvement strategy for the Hunt Company.  Recently, the company began outsourcing its manufacturing to overseas companies.  Due to this recent change, they have suffered various issues and problems with their distribution processes.  

Instructions:  Read the Hunt Company case study on pages 85-88 of the Hugos textbook for additional information pertaining to the challenges, issues, and problems facing the company.  In a 3-4 page written paper, address the following items in your distribution improvement strategy:

1.    The major facts of the case study.
2.    The main problems or issues facing the Hunt Company.
3.    The possible solutions to these problems or issues (1-3 solutions).
4.    Rationale for these solutions using concepts, terms, processes, procedures, and/or real-world examples discussed in the course materials.
5.    The main steps to implement the new strategy or plan

157 Words  1 Pages
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