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Critically review the progress which Thanet has made over the last 10 years in reviving its destination product and image and develop your own set of strategic actions to continue the process of revival over the next 10 years.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Understanding of the core concepts and insightful analysis of the destination; 
•    Appropriate and skilled use of destination data; 
•    Understanding and use of the literature, clarity of sources and interpretation of evidence; 
•    Standard of presentation and written English, including references. 

Ideally, you will be able to demonstrate:

•    Excellent understanding of destination marketing, policy and management, sustainable impact management and product development in theory, and in practice in Thanet; 
•    Excellent understanding of Thanet's recent development, its achievements, and the challenges it still faces; 
•    Accurate selection and interpretation of data from appropriate destination sources;
•    Evidence of detailed research using a wide range of relevant academic and secondary sources;. 
•    Highly-skilled development of links between evidence about Thanet and literature.

Make sure your work:

•    Is presented in report format with error-free numbering of sections, tables, figures and pages, an executive summary, and a table of contents; 
•    Has references and the bibliography presented completely accurately in the Harvard System format; 
•    Has clear and concise explanations, written in a very high standard of English.

189 Words  1 Pages
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