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This Case Assignment focuses on understanding what an organization is and what business processes are to describe the relationship between organizational structures and business processes. Note that the discussion throughout this case is generic and from

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Paper Instructions:

Assignment Overview;

This Case Assignment focuses on understanding what an organization is and what business processes are to describe the relationship between organizational structures and business processes. Note that the discussion throughout this case is generic and from a scholarly perspective, not from the perspective of any given organization.

Assignment Expectations:

Submit a 5-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables) double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using all of the required reading and if possible the optional reading, and 1 to 3 outside references.
The paper will have a proper main heading stating the name of the class, module number, and title of the paper. The paper will also have an introduction that states the purpose of the paper and what will be answered, as well as, section headings that guide the reader throughout the evolution of the discussion.
Quotations should only be used for definitions. Students must demonstrate their ability to synthesize and articulate knowledge from the required reading.
All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format. All references are cited in the paper at least once

233 Words  1 Pages
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