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Volkswagon Case Study

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The requirements for this assignment are:
•    APA formatted paper including title and reference pages.
•    Length of 3-5 pages excluding title and reference pages.
•    Minimum of 2 additional references than those provided below with all appropriate citations.
•    A statement of one main point that you have identified as a major issue/problem in the Volkswagen case.
•    An analysis of that main point from the perspective of your assigned worldview.
•    A conclusion, as a result of your analysis, making a recommendation about a course of action that Volkswagen should take going forward.
•    An explanation of concepts from your assigned perspective in a way that effectively addresses the systems, structures, culture and/or environments that allowed the situation to occur and persist over years and across borders.

You must use information from these references below and also 2 more references

The following articles will get you started: 
•    Gardner, T., Lienert, P., and Morgan, D. (2015, Sept 24).  After year of stonewalling, Volkswagen stunned U.S. regulators with confession. Reuters Business News.
•    Hakim, D., Kessler, A., and Ewing, J. (2015, Sept 26). As Volkswagon pushed to be no. 1, ambitions fueled a scandal.  New York Times.

210 Words  1 Pages
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