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Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change

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Paper Instructions:

Harvard Reflection Paper - Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change

READ ATTACHED– HRB’s On Change Management:

"Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change"

PAGES. 177-197

You are to submit a three page reflection paper on the Harvard reading above. This reflection paper will require outside research on the author(s) as it relates to educational background and experience and how their background and experience is relevant to their work in the Harvard reading.

Each paper must address EACH of the following questions:

1. After conducting outside research, what have you learned about the author(s)?
2. How is/are the author(s) education and experience relevant to what the author(s) wrote?
3. What did you learn about change management?
4. How did ethics/values/faith play a role?
5. How can you apply what you learned to change initiatives?

143 Words  1 Pages
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