Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
Read the following in Golden Arches East: McDonald’s in East Asia∗
“Introduction: Transnationalism, Localization and Fast Foods in East Asia”
“Chapter 1 – McDonald’s in Beijing: The Localization of Americana”
“Chapter 4 – McDonald’s in Seoul: Food Choices, Identity and Nationalism”
“Chapter 5 – McDonald’s in Japan: Changing Manners and Etiquette”
“Update – McDonald’s as Political Target”
In a 5-6 page essay (double spaced) please address the following questions:
1. In what sense, if any, is McDonald’s involved in cultural transformations?
Do the indigenous cultures impact McDonald’s?
2. Has the company helped create these trends, or merely followed the
3. Is this an example of an American-inspired, transnational culture crowding
out indigenous cultures?
Give examples from the book that help your answers!
Upload a Word Doc or .pdf version of your paper to the D2L Dropbox by - - -
If I cannot read the format it’s as if you did not submit it.
REMEMBER! The final product is expected to be quality work. This means that
in addition to the content and analysis, grammar, spelling, presentation and
structure (including an introduction, headings, subheadings and a conclusion) are
important and will be graded accordingly.
All scholarly papers require documentation of sources. Therefore each paper
should have BOTH citations and a bibliography. This is so that the reader can
look at the original sources for further information. Not giving adequate credit to
the sources used is considered plagiarism. Therefore you must always use
citations for 1) direct quotes, 2) paraphrases of statements, 3) opinions and
theories not your own and 4) information that is not a matter of general
You may use either MLA or APA formats. I have put a link for both formatting
guides in the Resource folder on D2L for your convenience.
NOTE: This is an edited book, so it must be cited as such.
∗ Please Note: The name of the corporation is McDonald’s, NOT McDonalds, Mcdonalds,
MacDonalds... In the same vein, the name of the book is Golden Arches East – it is italicized.