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Real Choices at Colgate-Palmolive

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Review the Chapter 1 case, “Real Choices at Colgate-Palmolive” in the Unit 1 READ section, then research the Wisp product line on the Colgate-Palmolive website:

Provide a brief background summary of the case.  What are the dilemmas that Colgate-Palmolive is facing in the case study?
What are the elements of the marketing mix for the Wisp product line?  Discuss each element in detail.
What is the lifetime value of a customer for Colgate-Palmolive and how would this be calculated?  What can Colgate-Palmolive do to maintain customers for life?
As a brand manager for Wisp, who would be your target market, what would be your market position, and how would you plan to market the Wisp product line to consumers?  Explain your marketing plan in detail.

139 Words  1 Pages
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