Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
Option #3: Career Exploration
As a part of your career exploration, you recently discovered that a mentoring organization exists that provides advice to people who are considering career paths. This organization is called Mentors, Inc. You have been considering a particular career, and you want more information about it from an experienced professional. Thus, you have decided to interview a business professional from Mentor's, Inc., to learn more.
Write a Routine Inquiry in which you ask your questions. Find out the main elements you want to know about this field of employment in a way that shows consideration for the reader and demonstrates your won serious interest in the type of job that the mentor does. If you were to contact a career mentor, think about the types of questions you might ask: specifics about the field, advice for how to enter the field, skills needed to succeed, etc., are all things you might include in your inquiry.