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In this assignment, you will write a reflective synthesis statement that examines your development and growth throughout the Master's of Education program and plans for the future. My plans is to become an Orator for public school districts.

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Paper Instructions:

In this assignment, you will write a reflective synthesis statement that examines your development and growth throughout the Master's of Education program and plans for the future. My plans is to become an Orator for public school districts. 

Write a two page reflective synthesis paper in with you do the following:

1.  Describe how you will apply what you have learned in the M.Ed. program in your future career. 
2.  Analyze how you have grown in the areas of educational theory, design, and analysis throughout your time in the M.Ed. program. 
3.  Examine your growth in the area of reflection and analyze the significant way(s) and extent to which the process of reflection caused you to become a more reflective practitioner. 
4.  Propose two to three ways in which you would apply continued reflective activities within your current or prospective work environment. 
5.  Describe how the reflective process will help you in the future.

167 Words  1 Pages
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