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First, assume that you have been assigned as a senior executive responsible for implementing the Global Business Plan you have been working on this term. Identify which of the social, cultural and religious forces prevalent in this specific location may

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Prepare and submit a 3-page essay about your personal religious faith in the context of worldwide business.

First, assume that you have been assigned as a senior executive responsible for implementing the Global Business Plan you have been working on this term.  Identify which of the social, cultural and religious forces prevalent in this specific location may affect you at work and while living in this location.  Pay particular attention to how you might live out your faith in this environment.  What ethical dilemmas might you face in this location because of your beliefs?  Use the Ethical Behavior model in Figure 5.1 of the Global Business Today text (page 132) to describe how you will personally make decisions.

Be very specific and give examples.  For instance, you may be a Christian in a predominately Buddhist or Muslim country.  How will you react if your supervisor expects you to work on Christmas Day or Easter Sunday (neither are holidays in a Buddhist society); or what accommodations might you make for your co-workers or subordinates at work during Ramadan (in an Islamic culture).  These are simple and obvious examples -- most likely you will face many subtle and complex issues.  Please explore these.

61 Words  1 Pages
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