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Porter’s Five Forces Model and Porter’s Competitive;- Instacart vs Shipt

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Porter’s Five Forces Model and Porter’s Competitive;- Instacart vs Shipt 
Apply the Porter’s Five Forces Model (Chapter 3) to the major information technologies used by each company and explain why you chose each strength or weakness. You must list each of the 5 forces and identify how that force impacts the companies:  

Force 1: Bargaining Power of Customers  

Force 2: Bargaining Power of Suppliers  

Force 3: Threat of Substitutions

Force 4: Threat of New Entrants  

Force 5: Rivalry A good way to present this is with separate headings for each "Force." 

Finally, identify which of Porter’s Four Competitive Strategies each company employs and state why you believe the company has chosen that strategy and how technology supports their decision.

132 Words  1 Pages
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