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Haptics: (a) Discuss the concept of touch apprehension, including the Touch Apprehension Measure (TAM), and factors that influence our touch norms.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Haptics: (a) Discuss the concept of touch apprehension, including the Touch Apprehension
    Measure (TAM), and factors that influence our touch norms. (b) Explain why it is important to
    identify someone’s predisposition towards touch, and how it can impact communication.
    2. Proxemics: (a) Apply the Environmental Analysis concept to describe your primary territory at
    home (or work) utilizing elements of the Environmental Features that create the six dimensions of
    Environmental Perceptions. (b) Discuss how these perceptions of your environment can influence
    communication behavior.
    3. Physical Appearance: (a) Describe the three Body Types and their associated personality
    traits. (b) Discuss how body types and physical appearance can influence communication both
    positively and negatively.
122 Words  1 Pages
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