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Wells Fargo Scandal

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

After you have chosen a Case to analyze, you should read the summary thoroughly.  Discuss the key points and identify areas that are important to you.  Review the “Sample Case Study Analysis” in the Handouts section of the Main Page, and “How to Prepare a Case’ in the Bookmark section of the Main Page.

Keep these key points in mind:

Good writing starts with an outline.  After making notes, organize your thoughts logically. 
Your analysis should have three to four key points that are supported by research.  Each case has an extensive list of resources as its last part. Use this material and any outside material you wish.
Offer a solution or resolution to the problem presented and defend your proposal.
Do not forget to provide a summary conclusion.
You should provide a bibliography and in-text citation (APA format) for any outside resources used, including research materials provided by the case.

162 Words  1 Pages
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