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What is the difference between a Goal and a Plan?

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

1) What is the difference between a Goal and a Plan?

2) The 19th century Prussian General, Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke, declared: “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” [modern paraphrase]  This quote is often referenced by leaders and managers and has appeared in several business articles.

a) What is meant by Moltke’s quote (as it applies to the civilian business environment)?

b) In reference to Moltke’s quote, and its nearly universal acceptance, why should leaders and managers “plan” at all? (Reference Chapter 7, Discussion Question #5, p. 241.)

3) The Management-by-Objectives (MBO) approach is widely used, but criticized for placing too much emphasis on achieving goals (ends) and not enough on the “means” by which goals (ends) are achieved.

a) What are the concerns expressed by critics of the MBO approach?

b) What can leaders/managers who rely upon the MBO approach do to address/alleviate the concerns of critics noted above?

c) Can you provide an example of a company/organization that may have placed too much emphasis on achieving goals and ignored the means by which the goals were achieved? (Opinion.  Required response, but no points assigned.)

201 Words  1 Pages
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