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Your small home health care service company of about 50 workers has traditionally recruited employees using newspaper print advertisements. Applications have been decreasing from these ads, so you are looking for alternative ways to generate more applican

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Paper Instructions:

Your small home health care service company of about 50 workers has traditionally recruited employees using newspaper print advertisements. Applications have been decreasing from these ads, so you are looking for alternative ways to generate more applicant flow. The company president has requested that you, as HR manager, prepare an overview of how educational/academic and Internet recruiting efforts might improve the recruiting traffic. Present pros and cons of these new methods and compare them to newspaper recruiting.  What will your company need to do differently to actively use educational/academic and Internet recruiting as you compete with other employers for qualified applicants?  As you recruit home health care professionals, identify the niche websites that you recommend be used for your Internet postings and the reasons for your recommendations. Identify possible educational/academic sources in your region.

145 Words  1 Pages
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