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analyze how does Spain people work with American people due to culture difference

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Implications for Leading and Managing in the Country Clusters (one section for each cluster): 

–  What approach(es) or style(s) of leadership are most commonly used, and which are most/least effective?
–  How are leaders developed in this context?
–  Provide any other leadership insights about leading in this country cluster

V.  Recommended Approach For Conducting Business with the Other Cultural Context: 

Student groups are to strategize and present an appropriate strategy with sufficient detail to explain how each country cluster should approach the other country cluster to conduct business. Identity key issues that need to be considered, for example, potential areas for disagreement or conflict. How might the two groups work together to best achieve success in cross-national business?
VI.  References [APA formatting is required]
      You must include a reference list of sources at the end of the PPT!

150 Words  1 Pages
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