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Adlerian and Transactional Analysis in group counseling.

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Paper Instructions:

identify any two theories that were discussed in class as it relates to the theoretical Approaches to Group Counseling. The following information should be included in your answer: Discuss who authored each approach and his or her goal of these approaches. Include 1-Key concepts of the approach; 2- the role and functions of the group leader; 3- the therapeutic techniques and procedures; 4- identify how the approach best works for which population also include multicultural populations.  Compare and contrast each theoretical approach; you may include how they are similar in nature, what you best liked about these approaches and least liked about these approaches. You should include references in your answers; (meaning makes reference to who you are discussing and what source you are basing your answer). You should answer in depth; your final discussion should be in a format of your choice.

154 Words  1 Pages
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