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            Customer service is an unappreciated mission.  Angry customers shout at the service representatives which make them get blamed for the bad customer service.  Service agents should be treated with respect as people do not understand that these services need a special kind of person who can withstand the exhausting work that is done by the customer service.  There is this one great feature that a good customer service should outline, Patience; management of a customer’s service while responding to others through the emails is sufficient for someone to throw down their headsets.  Patience is an asset that every service agent should imply. Through the innovative technology support to the clients from the customer service, the customers who do not know how to work with the computer complain every time (Cook, 2008). 

            Thus it is essential to handle the customers with special care despite the agent’s role.  The service agent should practice patience through ways like to respectfully put the customer on hold while you recover your calm or hand the call to the supervisor if the customer is much rude.  A good customer service should also be convenience, this means that the service agent should learn how to faster resolve a problem and this will make the customer happy and lessen their call cost.  The agent should also not rush to the customer’s problem as there are some efficiency levels that should be followed in order to get the best solution.  A good customer service should also practice confidence this means that the executives in the service should be able to make their agents make the customers happy making them have confidence which will hinder them from time wasting thus getting endorsements. This can be done by setting rules for the sale workers and customer service agents.  This will basically provide the solutions that will make the customers happy (Cook, 2008).


Cook, S. (2008). Customer care excellence: How to create an effective customer focus. London: Kogan Page.  

330 Words  1 Pages
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