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Consumer Segregation

Consumer Segregation

            Consumer segregation is the process by which customers are divided into different groups with people who fall under the same characteristics are based in a similar group. These groups are based on gender, age, common interests and habits (Shanmugasundaram, 2008). This process is also called customer segregation or client segmentation.

            Different companies normally enjoy customer segmentation due to the fact that customers are unique and different (Meyler et al, 2013). It is also evident that marketing would be efficient if the target group is smaller and specific. Consumer segmentation is also critical in ensuring that companies have in depth knowledge and understanding of what their customer preferences are; in order for them to know that which is most valuable for each segment of people (Meyler et al, 2013).

            Customer segmentation also allows marketers to identify the products that the new or the existing customer may be in need of and provide them thus gaining competitive advantage over other marketers in the same industry (Shanmugasundaram, 2008).. An example is the beauty and cosmetic industry where there is consumer segmentation and the companies are able to produce products specifically for ladies, others for men and others for the children.







Meyler, K., Fuller, C., & Joyner, J. (2013). System Center 2012 Operations Manager unleashed. Indianapolis, Ind: Sams.

Shanmugasundaram, S. . (2008). Customer relationship management: Modern trends and            perspectives. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall.


230 Words  1 Pages
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