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Management Seminar

            Management Seminar

            One thing that I learn from the management seminar that will be useful is that improving the communication skills helps in attaining a competitive advantage in business. Additionally, I learned that the management course helps in developing leadership skills both in individual and team operation. This is essential in enhancing one's potential. This is because management training incorporates the training of becoming an effective leader (Vázquez, 2010). Through the learning, an individual is able to fulfill their potential via the gained skills. The skills that are generated from the management course, therefore, include decision making, strategic planning, team building and much more (Vázquez, 2010).  Moreover, I learned that in order to be successful in the outside world an individual must be able to utilize the gained knowledge as well as experience.

            One thing that I liked is the fact that the seminar provided strategies that are helpful in ensuring that everyone was well incorporated despite the different capabilities. Additionally, I also liked how the seminar generated useful information on individual participation in team work and the associated benefits. Something that I did not like is that the seminar did not use examples and visions in order to create a lasting thought and reflection. In order to improve this class learning, it is useful to integrate technology, cooperative learning, and comprehensive assessments. This helps in increasing the level of participation in the classroom thus boosting the overall performance (Vázquez, 2010).

            One interesting idea that I have in learning activities in the management class is the use of interactive learning. This is by allowing the students to share their responses among themselves and noting them to the tutor. This helps in improving the understanding of the students as well as developing openings for the tutor to improve his message delivery strategy. Also, the provision of learning materials in different textures is effective in increasing understanding and motivation.



Vázquez, L. R. (2010). Management skills and leadership techniques: Their application in            managing works teams. Vigo: Ideaspropias.




335 Words  1 Pages
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