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Leadership and Motivation

            Leadership and Motivation

                Response 1

            The leader that I chose to work on is Martin Luther King Jr. He is an exceptional leader who was involved in motivation individuals in doing what is right. His passion and enthusiasm in ensuring that America becomes a nation that is characterized with equality are qualities of a good leader.

            He had several qualities of a good leader which included the abilities to provide solutions, good intellectual skills and good skills of communication (Daft, 2011).  These characteristics make him an effective leader because through him individuals were able to acquire guidance of things that are right.  An example is that he led the black Americans in raising their issues about discrimination which led to the implementation of laws to ensure that they are incorporated in the societies.

            Response 2

            A leader is an individual who is involved in offering leadership to others by providing guidance (Daft, 2011). One thing that motivates in a good leader is individualism and good communication skills.  Good communication ensures that the operations in the organosation run effectively without hindrances thus achieving development.  God communication is essential in ensuring that the employees are highly motivated because they clearly know what they expect and what is needed of them.

            I apply good communication and positive individualism while relating to people in institutions as well in my personal life. In therefore ensure that I communicate effectively to ensure that there is no misinterpretation which may result to conflict. This helps me in developing solutions when issues arise. These characteristics of a leader are learned by gaining knowledge about communication and the generated benefits.  They are gained from knowledge that is derived from experience while working with individuals (Daft, 2011). 



Daft, R. L. (2011). Understanding management. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

299 Words  1 Pages
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