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Response to JetBlue

JetBlue is an airways Organization which is located in America. When had had improvement on it economic condition, it faced problems such as a snowstorm that hit the Northeast and Midwest which put the airline into disorder. The airline offers low travel cost but differentiates itself from its services such as entertainment in the flight and satellite radio.  The company’s mission is to provide a low fare cost to its passengers and giving high quality customer service to their market and customers.  The airline has the most advanced planes that are dependable. The company believes that having well educated workers will give a better experience to the customers.  Thus the provision of a high quality service will make the company in becoming the most prominent in the airline industry (Argenti, 2013). 

Corporate Advertising Recommendation

After the crisis, the company has to admit the organizational failures and move forward in making a communication strategy for them to have their customer’s attention.  The director of the company will have gone to the media and made a public apology for the problems that the company had and the mismanagement of the incidence.  The apology should be done as first as possible with no elaboration by stating that there will be a customer appreciation plan that will be formed.  This will be helpful to the company as after them confessing to their failures they can then consider all their attention to making a new intellect of the customer devotion. This would show that the company is making a difference and backing up their claims to change (Shimp, 2007).


Since the company has been under many incidents, an advertising program would be helpful to the organization.  This would be done by them regenerating themselves in the market with the current task force where all their new and old customers will be presented with the advanced JetBlue implementation on gratefulness of their clients.  


Argenti, P.A. (2013). Corporate Communication. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Shimp, T. A. (2007). Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Publ.


349 Words  1 Pages
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