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The Coca-Cola Company has created a great source of opportunities where many have got a chance to work and earn a living

The Coca-Cola Company has created a great source of opportunities where many have got a chance to work and earn a living. This jobs are got through various means where some of this means are through the online recruitment and other ways where the applicant are able to access. Through this and other means the company has a workforce of about six billion people from about two hundred countries in the globe. The company recruits women and minorities at all levels of the organization and hence ensure maximum rates of preservation and preferment (Kurtz, & Boone, 2009). The company has its recruiting efforts towards building partnership with the community based organizations.

There are several trends that can be applied to ensure that there is an improvement in the recruiting efforts of the Coca-Cola Company. One of this ways is the talent branding, in this case the greater the employment brand the better the candidates the company gets. The value of a strong employment brand can be priceless but it not only helps the company attract the best people but also keep the people the company already have (Griffin, 2007). The second way to that can be used to improve the recruiting efforts is by internal hiring. This involves recruiting the employees that the company has already has instead of going for others outside the company. The company in this case send messages to the entire workforce informing them that there is a room for them to advance their careers and even opportunities within the company. For example the company may decide to recruit some of the supervisors who have served for long for the management position (Griffin, 2007). The company can also ensure that in cases where they have talented managers they can improve and brand their talents highly which will invite more for them.

The human resource management position in such a company is admirable because with the strategies above it will be enjoyable and very engaging. The position will give room to utilize the abilities that the employee has fully and even improve the capability he or she has to do the same work (Aswathappa, 2005). It will ensure much improvement and help to the society in general and the workforce in the company already. However much the selection process varies depending on the post there are several parts of the process that are similar. This is inclusive of interview, group exercises, and psychometric tests, presentations among others.


Griffin, R. W. (2007). Fundamentals of management: Core concepts and applications. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin.

Aswathappa, K. (2005). Human resource and personnel management: Text and cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.

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Kurtz, D. L., & Boone, L. E. (2009). Contemporary business. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.



459 Words  1 Pages
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