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Groupon Company

Groupon, Inc.

Executive summary

            Groupon Company is a business that was established in Chicago and it basically offers discount services globally. Over the years it has experienced a tremendous growth and it has brought about so many changes in the way consumers spend and the way in which they perceive discount. The company is customer centered and they focus on bringing the brick as well as the mortar business onto the internet. Their core mission and vision is for the betterment of their services each new day as they become the operating system for the local businesses. This drives them towards offering more quality services. The company is, however, facing some issues such as the competition and sustainability issues of the company and it is through these problems that the company is facing problems globally (Falcone et al n.y). The company has corporate governance and they are guided by the strategic management of their company

            Strategic business management according to Groupon case was aimed at becoming a daily local commerce for merchants and consumers and the strategy included the following; growing of subscriber and customer base where several investments were made in order to acquire subscribers through online initiatives of marketing (Falcone et al n.y). The second strategy is growing in the number of merchants partners which involved expansion of ways through which consumers could discover deals in the market place. The other strategy involved positioning of Groupon in order to benefit from technological changes affecting consumer behavior and this was done as technological advances continued. The other strategy is increasing a variety of [products through innovation where a variety of new products was launched in 2011 and more were planned to be launched as time goes on (Falcone et al n.y). Lastly, there is expansion, acquisitions and business development partnerships where it historically gained local management teams as core assets, small subscriber and bases of merchant partner where it applies its expertise to scale the business.


Falcone N., Halbruner E, Fogarty E and Vincelette J. (n.y). Groupon, Inc. Daily Deal or Lasting Success?


349 Words  1 Pages
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