Research project
- Writing the objectives using the SMART format has enlightened my understanding of the project in a number of ways. The format has enabled me to set specific goals whereby generalization has been avoided a lot. It was also easy to estimate appropriately the expected outcome of the project based on the set objects. From another phase, setting accurate and realistic goals has ensured that in all that I aim at the end of the project is accurate but achievable. Lastly, SMART format has enabled me to identify the time limit within which it should be completed. If it were not for the SMART format, I would have had difficulties in setting objectives that meet the highlighted criteria.
- The only problem I encountered during the evaluation type selection was based on the analysis of the essential services policies, systems and the challenges that impact global communities. This is because the resources that were available never captured every fine detail essential for the evaluation process. Some information was not explicitly answering the research questions that were to guide the project’s course and therefore difficulties were encountered. This was however minimized through sampling techniques and all went on well.
- Upon the implementation of the suggested recommendations, the major concern lies in the change of the social, behavioral and cultural habits that endanger health of the local and global populations. This means that healthy living shall be the concern during the application of the project. This shall include promoting healthy relations among members of the community. The application process will also consider the discouragement of unhealthy cultural norms which perhaps have been held for long by the local members.
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