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M.S. in Business Analytics

Personal statement

The continued growth of data available is changing the way professionals in the business filed such as accountants, marketers and managers are working. The transformation is also impacting on how investors are carrying out business operations in market that is becoming more international due to globalization. As the Chinese businesses access more data arising from international business operation, there is a need for increased expertise in business analytics so that the Chinese companies operating in the international market are able to obtain actionable insights from such information. The Chinese companies have a strong grip in the exportation of products into the international market while at the same time; it is a top imports destination for products such as electronic equipment, raw materials and oil.  While e-commerce and advertising are areas where big data has been used intensely, the Chinese firms are expanding their usage. Chinese international companies are using more data in their online transaction and shopping which determines the competitiveness of the firms in the global market.

M.S. in Business Analytics offers a strong foundation in the field of data analytics by incorporating a broad knowledge on risk management, information system, operations research, applied statistics and even decision theory. This offers an opportunity for business decision making that is data driven in both private and public sectors.  In the short-term , the course offers a good basis for acquiring necessary knowledge and skills  on ways of integrating business data into analysis , business planning and making decisions ,aspects which are important for maintaining competitive advantage of a firm. While training as a manager is important, there is a growing demand for managers to become data analysis masters, as demand for data roles continue grow in management. The diverse knowledge on business analytics and its mastery will be very helpful in propelling my professional forward in a changing job market whose liquidity is increasing rapidly. In the long-run, the program will offer wide range of knowledge which will direct my professional towards constant growth in line with a business environment that is technologically changing constantly.  As technology is changing constantly, the way business activities are carried out also change, as a need grows for businesses to keep up with collected data as fast as it is obtain. This program will offer an intensive experience while developing business analysts well versed with technological environment. As a business analyst, the program will arm me with various skills needed in the understanding, managing and making use of large amount of data in the business environment.  The program will also impart me with knowledge on how to turn abstract data into information that can be deemed meaningful in the prediction of consumer behavior, forecasting of revenue or expenses for almost all business models and across all the industries.

The program will further define my career objectives, since it will equip me with the right skills and knowledge to inform my managerial roles in small and large organizations.  Such knowledge is essential in determining the appropriate course of action to be taken in achieving the financial, strategic and operational goals set and maintain competitiveness. For further growth in my professions, I will need to acquire the methodical tactics and intellectual capital while dealing with the application of big data with a unique perspective and keen understanding. This will make it possible to position myself in a career path that is progressive and one where development is possible.  The program will also bring me closer to other professionals who are highly qualified and such individuals can assist in the process of growth. Coming into contacts with individuals with great understanding of computer programming and statistics will also widen my experience in the field of business statistics.


621 Words  2 Pages
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