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Reflecting on Your Learning

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Answer the questions below:

1) What were some of the things you learned about writing by completing the paper in stages, as you have done?  Which of these do you feel was the most important, and why? 

2) Have your attitudes about investing in the stock market changed from the beginning of the quarter based on what you have learned in the course? How?

add the following answers to question 

a) Successfully put together a detailed and comprehensive company report for The Honest Company on time.

b) Work together to completely quality work.

c) Put our strengths to work, and use them to help others who want to work on their weaknesses (this is the most important, because if we some of our team members stuck, we help each other).

#2) Probably say no? since it's a risk to invest a stock based on the research paper (my group) did. Since it is The Honest Company, they have many issues, etc.

171 Words  1 Pages
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