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Chinese tea cup

Chinese tea cup

For developing a cogent project is to establish what the existing state of knowledge is around it. It involves amassing a range of sources. You should draw on experience in section (library searches, how to reference and cite), as well as in lectures.
You should have a summary (typed, double spaced, 12-point standard font, 1” margins) of what you found and how your thinking on your topic has evolved. Re-establish your research topic. How has your topic become more specific? Are your original questions (if you posed any in Assignment #1) answered? What do “we” know? What do “we” not seem to know? Who is the “we”? Are “we” geographers or some other intellectual community? Where appropriate, you must cite work from the bibliography as evidence of your statements, facts, and claims. Citations must be correct for full credit.
Attached to this update, you should have a running bibliography. It should be in correct and consistent format. It should have at least ten (10) items in it (more is better). They should be relevant to the topic.
it can be a wide range of sources such as
--Textbooks, Dictionaries or Encyclopedias on a topic (e.g. The Dictionary of Human Geography entry you cited in Assignment #1, additional entries or citations from them)
--newspaper articles
--magazine articles
--editorials, blogs, and opinion pieces, etc.
--Wiki sources
These sources can be online or hard-copy, but regardless they must be listed correctly and consistently in your running bibliography. You may use these non peer-review sources to establish background and relevance of your topic, opinions and perspectives on the topic or issue, but you must clearly distinguish between peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed sources. You must keep an electronic copy of your bibliography, as you will be adding to it for the next assignment.

For my topic you can write about the increase of tea culture in US, and be more specific about the quality of life, health benefits and so on. Plus it would be better to give a definition of traditional Chinese tea culture through the research online. Such as when we say Chinese tea culture it refers "kung fu tea", which simply means we have to give a definition to the "Chinese tea culture" first.

In the attach is Assignment 1, you can write this paper based on some information in my assignment 1.

Please include at least 10 online sources related to the topic.

406 Words  1 Pages
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